Benchmarc™ is the patient-facing technical foundation of Circles. It complements the physician-facing platform, inCytes™. Combined with RegenMed’s processes, these platforms enable the cost-efficient and minimally burdensome generation of clinical, scientific, and financial value from real-world data.
As their co-pays rise, and online resources and reviews proliferate, patients are increasingly knowledgeable and vocal about their physicians and treatment options. Benchmarc provides patients with educational materials specific to their condition and treatment protocol.
Benchmarc™ keeps patients up to date on their outcomes progress compared with key clinical scores, and (if the physician wishes) with similar patient cohort averages. Benchmarc alerts providers earlier to adverse events and other clinically important events.
Benchmarc™ incentivizes patients to comply with regular outcomes reporting, as well as with rehabilitation or other post-clinical elements of a provider’s treatment protocol. Benchmarc™ provides the clinicians with a customized channel for one way, anytime communications with patients. (Or, if desired by the clinician, patient communications to the clinicians.)
Patients see themselves as consumers of healthcare services, and expect the type of user experience offered by quality non-healthcare vendors. The Benchmarc™ UX is not only a clean, and attractive user interface. It also involves clinically relevant customization for the patient, her condition, her treatment protocol, and her outcome scores.
Many patients rely on a caregiver to help comply with treatment protocols, and communicate outcomes (including adverse events) to the physician. This is especially true for remote patient therapies and remote patient monitoring. Benchmarc™ is designed to include one or more caregivers – subject to the patient’s consent – in any Circle in which the patient is enrolled.
The U.S government estimates that clinical care accounts for only 20% of county-level variation in health outcomes, while social determinants of health account for as much as 50% and are a major driver of health disparities. Its low cost, efficiency, multi-lingual capabilities and excellent user experience make Benchmarc™ an excellent platform for engaging underserved patient populations.